Morning everyone,
Yesterday, a student of mine asked me how to improve English-speaking skill more effectively and how to talk and think like an English native speaker.
To answer this question, I have to say that I’m still trying make improvements with my English-speaking skill, and I have been following a principle. This principle is called “3 to 7 principle,” which means the ratio of input to output is 3 to 7.
When we talk about language skills, there are two input skills and output skills. The input skills are “listening and reading”; the output skills are “speaking and writing”. So how do we apply this 3 to 7 principle?

Easy! When we listen to something, or when we read something in English, we need to think about when we are going to use the sentences in real life contexts and try to speak them or write them as often as possible. That’s it. Very simple.
All we need to do is to speak and write much more often then just listening and reading. Of course, I’m aware (that) this explanation is oversimplified, but this is the basic concept of “3 to 7 principle.” And I’ll try to write another longer article to explain this principle more specifically in the near future.
I hope this idea helps you (to) improve your English-speaking skill.
Have a nice day.
要回答這個問題,不得不說,我仍在努力提升我的英文口語能力,而且我一直在遵循一個原則。 這個原則稱為「3比7原則」,也就是「輸入:輸出 = 3 : 7」。
當我們討論語言能力時,有兩個輸入能力和輸出能力。 輸入能力是「聽和讀」; 輸出能力是「說和寫」。 那麼我們如何應用這個「3 : 7 原則」呢?
很簡單! 當我們聆聽內容,或者當我們用英文閱讀時,我們需要思考一下,什麼時候會在現實生活中使用這些句子,並儘可能地常常說出來或寫出來。就這樣而已。 很簡單。
比起聽和讀,我們更需要做的就是多說多寫。 當然,我知道這種解釋過於簡化,但這就是「3 : 7 原則」的基本概念。 我會再試著寫另一篇更長的文章來更具體地解釋這個原則。