新官上任三把火? 從新主管到頂尖主管

新官上任三把火? 從新主管到頂尖主管 職場策略 Lewis多益職場力

《從新主管到頂尖主管》是 Michael D. Watkins 所撰寫的一本超實用指南,專門為那些剛踏入新職位的領導者和管理者設計的。

這本書強調,剛上任的前三個月超級關鍵,因為這段時間不僅是建立信任感、快速了解組織運作的黃金期,也是在職場中打好基礎、為長期成功奠定根基的關鍵時刻。Watkins 提供了一個簡單明確的框架,幫助領導者能快速上手,避開常見的地雷,並迅速在新角色中站穩腳步。



1. 過渡策略:

Watkins 提醒我們,別等著看情況發展,要主動規劃過渡期,這樣才能加快融入速度,減少摸索的時間。書中教你如何運用一些工具和策略,讓你在前 90 天內就能掌握大局。


2. STARS 模型:


• Start-up(創業模式):從零開始打造全新事業。

• Turnaround(扭轉模式):拯救陷入困境的企業。

• Accelerated Growth(加速增長模式):管理快速成長的組織。

• Realignment(重新調整模式):重新調整曾經成功,但現在有點走偏的團隊。

• Sustaining Success(維持成功模式):穩定經營現有的成功,讓它繼續保持下去。



3. 快速學習與適應:

剛上任最重要的事之一就是要快速掌握組織文化、了解內部流程和抓住關鍵人脈。Watkins 特別強調要具備彈性,學會聽別人的意見,並迅速找出公司哪些地方需要優化,哪些運作良好。


4. 建立關係網:

你想在新職位中站穩腳跟,首先必須獲得同事和關鍵人物的支持。Watkins 教你如何透過建立良好的人際關係、贏得別人的信任,讓你在新崗位上更順利。


5. 取得早期勝利:



6. 設定方向:

Watkins 建議,新任領導者需要為團隊制定一個明確的願景,將短期目標與長期發展方向結合起來,這樣才能讓團隊步調一致,共同邁向成功。


7. 達成組織一致性:












“The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter” by Michael D. Watkins is a well-regarded guide for leaders and managers transitioning into new roles.

The book emphasizes the importance of the first 90 days in a new job, as this period is critical for establishing credibility, learning about the organization, and setting the tone for long-term success. Watkins provides a framework to help leaders hit the ground running, avoid common pitfalls, and accelerate their transition.


Key Concepts:

1. Transition Strategies:

Watkins emphasizes the need for a proactive transition plan to reduce the learning curve. The book introduces tools and tactics to create a roadmap for the first 90 days.


2. The STARS Model:

This model categorizes different business situations that leaders may find themselves in during transitions:

• Start-up: Building something from scratch.

• Turnaround: Reversing a struggling situation.

• Accelerated Growth: Expanding a fast-growing organization.

• Realignment: Fixing parts of a once-successful organization.

• Sustaining Success: Managing ongoing success without major changes.

Understanding the type of situation you are entering helps to apply the right strategies.


3. Learning and Adapting:

The book stresses the importance of quickly understanding the organization, its culture, and key stakeholders. Leaders should be adaptable, listen actively, and assess what’s working and what needs change.


4. Building Relationships:

Establishing alliances and winning the support of colleagues and key stakeholders is crucial in a new role. Watkins explains how to build rapport, create coalitions, and manage expectations.


5. Securing Early Wins:

Leaders need to achieve early successes to gain momentum. The book outlines strategies for identifying areas where early wins are possible and how to leverage them to build credibility.


6. Setting Direction:

Watkins suggests that leaders need to create a clear vision for their team or organization, aligning short-term goals with long-term strategic objectives.


7. Achieving Alignment:

Ensuring that the structure, systems, and skills within the organization align with its strategy is critical for sustainable success.


Practical Tips:

• Accelerate learning by seeking information through formal and informal channels.

• Match strategy to the situation using the STARS framework to assess what your team or company needs.

• Build coalitions to gather support and help implement changes.

• Create early wins to build credibility and morale.

• Lay a strong foundation for future success by developing long-term strategies in alignment with the company’s goals.


“The First 90 Days” offers actionable advice for anyone stepping into a leadership role, making it an essential read for new managers, executives, or anyone navigating a professional transition. The strategies outlined help leaders avoid missteps and quickly position themselves for long-term success.


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