每天說英文挑戰 (2022.03.20)

每天說英文挑戰 (2022.03.20) 英語口說 Lewis多益職場力
(Recorded at 18:05)

Evening everyone,

What’s your ideal life?

I spent some time thinking about this question. Here’s what I’ve done so far today.

  • 6 hours of teaching
  • 90 minutes with my son walking around at the art museum this morning
  • A relaxing lunch with my family, including my parents-in-law, my wife and my son
  • An 1-hour vacation with myself sitting at the art museum and staring at the lake.  
每天說英文挑戰 (2022.03.20) 英語口說 Lewis多益職場力
(photo credit: Lewis)

I’m fortunate enough to do what I enjoy as my career and still get to spend some time with my family and myself. If this is not exactly my ideal life, I think it’s close enough.

Hope you’re living your ideal life at the moment.

Have a nice evening. 




我花了一些時間思考這個問題。 以下是我今天到目前為止所做的事情。

  • 6小時的教學
  • 早上和兒子在美術館閒晃了 90 分鐘
  • 與我的家人,包括我的岳父母、太太和兒子一起享用悠閒的午餐
  • 一個1小時的一人假期,自己坐在美術館裡看著湖水放空。 

我很幸運能夠從事我喜歡的職業,而且仍然可以與家人和自己共度時光。 如果這不完全是我的理想生活,我想也夠接近了。




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