為什麼「提升競爭力」被高估了? 你應該關注的真正重點

為什麼「提升競爭力」被高估了? 你應該關注的真正重點 職場策略 Lewis多益職場力

Why “Enhancing Competitiveness” is Overrated—and What You Should Focus on Instead


The Competitive Trap: Why It Holds You Back


In today’s fast-paced world, businesses and professionals alike are obsessed with the idea of enhancing competitiveness. The logic seems straightforward—if you’re more competitive, you’ll succeed. However, this mindset can be a double-edged sword.

在當今快速變化的世界裡,無論是企業還是專業人士,都對 提升競爭力 這一概念深信不疑。表面上看,這似乎很合理——競爭力越強,就越能成功。然而,這種思維模式可能是一把雙面刃。

When you fixate on competition, your attention inevitably shifts toward those operating at your level. You measure your success based on your rivals rather than focusing on what truly matters—growth, innovation, and impact. In doing so, you may end up limiting your own potential. Instead of breaking new ground, you become stuck in a cycle of reacting to competitors rather than creating something truly valuable.


The Alternative: Solve Real Problems


Rather than trying to outcompete others at every turn, shift your focus to a more meaningful goal: improving your ability to solve important problems in your field.


Every industry faces its own set of challenges, but these challenges often fall into four key categories:


1. Speed: How Can You Get Things Done Faster?

1. 快:如何更快完成任務?

Time is one of the most valuable resources in business. Whether you’re streamlining production, automating repetitive tasks, or improving customer response times, increasing speed gives you an edge.


For example, companies like Amazon dominate logistics because they have mastered fast delivery. The same principle applies to professionals—if you can complete tasks faster without compromising quality, you become invaluable.

例如,Amazon 在物流領域稱霸,因為它掌握了快速配送的能力。同樣地,對於個人來說,如果你能在不影響品質的前提下更快完成工作,你的價值將無可取代。

Ask yourself: What aspects of my work can be optimized to save time without sacrificing effectiveness?


2. Variety: How Can You Offer More Choices?

2. 多:如何提供更多選擇?

People love having options. Whether it’s a broader selection of products, flexible service plans, or customized solutions, diversity attracts customers.


Take Netflix, for example. By continuously expanding its content library and offering personalized recommendations, it keeps users engaged. Similarly, if you’re a freelancer, providing multiple service tiers or specializations can make you more appealing to a wider audience.

以 Netflix 為例,它透過不斷擴充內容庫並提供個人化推薦,讓用戶保持高度參與。同樣地,如果你是自由工作者,提供不同等級的服務或專業領域的多元選擇,能讓你吸引更廣泛的客群。

Ask yourself: How can I expand my offerings to better serve my market?


3. Efficiency: How Can You Do More with Less?

3. 好:如何用有限的資源創造更多價值?

Maximizing output while minimizing waste is crucial for both businesses and individuals. This could mean improving internal workflows, optimizing resource allocation, or using technology to enhance productivity.


Toyota’s lean manufacturing approach revolutionized the auto industry by reducing waste and increasing efficiency. On a personal level, productivity systems like Getting Things Done (GTD) help professionals manage tasks more effectively.

Toyota 的精實生產方式透過減少浪費並提高效率,徹底改變了汽車產業。在個人層面,像 Getting Things Done (GTD) 這樣的效率管理系統,能幫助專業人士更有效地處理工作。

Ask yourself: Where am I wasting time, energy, or resources? How can I work smarter?


4. Cost-Effectiveness: How Can You Deliver the Same Quality for Less?

4. 省:如何用更少的成本提供相同品質的產品或服務?

People always appreciate high-quality solutions at a lower cost. Finding ways to reduce expenses—whether through smarter supply chain management, better negotiation skills, or strategic outsourcing—can set you apart.


For example, budget airlines like Ryanair and Southwest Airlines built their empires by cutting unnecessary costs while maintaining reliable service.

例如,Ryanair 和 Southwest Airlines 這類廉航公司,就是透過削減不必要的成本,同時維持可靠的服務來稱霸市場。

Ask yourself: Can I lower costs without compromising value?


The Real Key to Success: Master One, Excel in Two


If you can master just one of these four areas, you’ll establish a strong position in the market. But if you can execute two effectively, competition becomes almost irrelevant.


Final Thoughts: Redefine Success


Success isn’t about outcompeting everyone—it’s about making a meaningful impact by solving real problems.


So, forget about “enhancing competitiveness.” Focus on solving problems, and success will follow.



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